Hill & Smith PLC - Corporate Governance Code
corp gov code

Corporate Governance Code

Good governance is about managing the business effectively and in a way that is honest, open and accountable. It is key to the delivery of the Group’s strategy and sustained generation of shareholder value.

The Hill & Smith PLC group consists of the company and its principal subsidiary companies, and operates in seven different countries. The Group’s businesses are directly supervised by local operating boards and monitored at divisional level. The Executive Board review divisional and individual operating company performance and regularly liaise with selected senior executives and subsidiary company Directors. The Group has a structure of monthly subsidiary company Board meetings and regular liaison across divisions to ensure, where appropriate, consistent application of Governance, operational procedures and Group policies and practices. The Executive Directors are accountable to the Board for the divisional and subsidiary company Governance and controls.

The PLC Board is collectively responsible for ensuring that the business acts in the best interests of the Group to create innovative and sustainable infrastructure and safe transport solutions for our customers by a portfolio of autonomous, geographically diverse companies. Through the active management of that portfolio and within a disciplined financial framework and a strong culture of sustainability, we seek to create long-term value for our stakeholders. This responsibility comprises: consideration of the long-term direction and strategy of the Company; the values and standards within the business; subsidiary company management performance; resources; risk management; and internal controls.